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WAR AND PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION exhibition documentation, 2016

During the American Civil War (1861-1865), the photographic book emerged as a dynamic space for the exploration of the meaning of warfare, the meaning of photographic documentation of war, and how photographs shape and inform the memory of war. This fall, students in Makeda Best’s (Visual Studies) seminar “War and Photography,” created visual responses to the extraordinary collection of photographic books in the CCA Library on war-related topics ranging from the Bosnian War to the experiences of medical personnel and war refugees. Students chose books of interest to them, and produced new book covers that represented their visual response to the themes and content of the book.

Creator(s): Ascanio, Gabriel; Bee, Laura; Chak, Eddie Ka-Keong ; Cheang, Karlie; Chen, Twiggy ; Ferkel, Lisa; Kung, Joyce; Meredith, Treyce ; Ng, Alvina ; Skitsko, Danny; Vu, Anh; Yang, Aaron; Yuan, Michelle ; Best, Makeda
Status: Live|Last updated:January 25, 2022 4:52 AM
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